About this location...

Everything you wanted to know about 110 Highland Crescent including:

  • nearby transit stations (24) and stops (115)
  • nearby schools (157) and parks (23)
  • other nearby addresses
  • and streetview imagery (if available)
We've also provided a ton of maps and even larger maps.

Nearby Schools

A scholar's delight - 157 schools are within 5km

Junior Academy  (0.3mi)
Junior Academy  (0.3mi)
Owen Public School  (0.4mi)
St Andrew's Junior High School  (0.5mi)
Hillcrest Progressive School  (0.5mi)

Nearby Parks:

Exercise away - 23 parks are within 2km

York Mills Park  (0.4mi)
Unnamed Park  (0.4mi)
Bayview/York Mills Parkette  (0.4mi)
Unnamed Park  (0.5mi)
Unnamed Park  (0.5mi)

Nearby transit options

A commuter's dream. Tons of transit stations! 24 are within 5km.

York Mills GO Bus Terminal  (0.9mi)
York Mills Station  (0.9mi)
Lawrence Bus Station  (1.5mi)
Lawrence Station  (1.5mi)
Bayview Station  (1.6mi)

24 transit stops are within 2km.



Full Screen Maps click for larger road maps, satellite imagery, and street view imagery where available