Everything you wanted to know about 2009 Boulevard Crescent including:
nearby transit stations (3) and stops (33)
nearby schools (130) and parks (54)
other nearby addresses
A video of this property (usually prepared for a home listing) (nice touch)
and streetview imagery (if available)
We've also provided a ton of maps and even larger maps.
Video of 2009 Boulevard Crescent
Title: 2009 Boulevard Crescent North Vancouver BC - Real Estate Virtual Tour - Todd Pocklington
Published: February 24, 2016 Last Updated: February 24, 2016
Videos provided by youtube
Nearby Schools
A scholar's delight - 130 schools are within 5km
Queenbury Elementary (769ft)
Sutherland Senior High (889ft)
Vancouver Waldorf School (0.6mi)
Nearby Parks:
Exercise away - 54 parks are within 2km
Kealy Woods park (340ft)
Upper Levels Greenway (0.2mi)
Greenwood Park (0.3mi)
Greenwood Park (0.3mi)
Greenwood Park (0.3mi)
Nearby transit options
Some transit. 3 stations are within 5km.
Lonsdale Quay bus loop (ICBC building above) (1.7mi)
Capilano University Bus Station (1.7mi)
PNE Shuttle Stop Bus Station (2.9mi)
3 transit stops are within 2km.
Full Screen Mapsclick for larger road maps, satellite imagery, and street view imagery where available