About this location...

Everything you wanted to know about 8758 Crest Drive including:

  • nearby transit stations (15) and stops (40)
  • nearby schools (65) and parks (17)
  • other nearby addresses
  • A video of this property (usually prepared for a home listing) (nice touch)
  • and streetview imagery (if available)
We've also provided a ton of maps and even larger maps.

Video of 8758 Crest Drive

Title: IAN WATT 8758 Crest Drive, Burnaby, BC, V3N 4A2, Canada
Published: February 15, 2016
Last Updated: February 15, 2016
Videos provided by youtube

Nearby Schools

A scholar's delight - 65 schools are within 5km

École Armstrong Elementary  (916ft)
Cariboo Hill Senior Secondary  (0.4mi)

Nearby Parks:

Exercise away - 17 parks are within 2km

Cariboo Park  (654ft)
Triangle Park  (912ft)
Wesburnco Sports Courts  (0.2mi)
Unnamed Park  (0.3mi)
Unnamed Park  (0.4mi)

Nearby transit options

A commuter's dream. Tons of transit stations! 15 are within 5km.

Sapperton Station  (0.9mi)
Braid Station  (1.0mi)
Lougheed Station Bus Station  (1.1mi)
Lougheed Town Centre Station  (1.2mi)
Production Way–University Station  (1.5mi)

15 transit stops are within 2km.



Full Screen Maps click for larger road maps, satellite imagery, and street view imagery where available

Other nearby places: